new park little free library

At New Park, we believe in building strong communities and fostering a love for reading. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the installation of our very own “Little Free Library” at the Gatehouse.

What is Little Free Library?

Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization based in St. Paul, Minnesota dedicated to expanding book access and building community through their global network of volunteer-led book-exchange boxes. The mission of Little Free Library is simple yet powerful: to provide 24/7 book access, inspire readers, and create a sense of community. Their book-sharing boxes are open to everyone, removing barriers to book access and encouraging a love of reading.

How Does the Little Free Library Work?

The Little Free Library at New Park is a book-sharing hub where you can donate books you no longer need and find new reads to enjoy. Whether you’re a child or an adult, there’s something for everyone. Take a book that catches your interest, and feel free to leave a book behind for someone else to enjoy. The library is conveniently located just outside the Gatehouse, providing easy access for all.

Join us in promoting literacy, community, and the joy of reading. Donate your books, discover new stories, and be a part of making our neighborhood a friendlier and more inclusive place. Visit our Little Free Library at the Gatehouse today and let the magic of books inspire you!